The Green House Cafe / Brand Identity, Art Direction

The Green House Cafe is a coffee shop located on Onsite's campus just outside Nashville, TN. Their branding reflects a commitment to sustainability and community. Inspired by the lush surroundings and Onsite's dedication to holistic well-being, their vibrant green hues and natural elements mirror the principles of holistic healing, likening it to nurturing a thriving plant.

Nutrition By Her / Brand Identity, Art Direction, Website, Photography

Nutrition By Her is a Personal Training and Nutrition brand founded by Peyton Provost. The branding resonates with vibrant pinks and reds, symbolizing energy and empowerment. Inspired by Peyton's journey from teaching to pursuing her passion for health and fitness, Nutrition By Her aims to make wellness sustainable for busy women.

Onsite Close Friends / Brand Identity, Art Direction

Onsite Close Friends is a digital space for Onsite Alum on Instagram created to celebrate the community by providing a dynamic space for connection, experience sharing, and ongoing support in their healing journeys. Bold typography signifies strength and clarity, reflecting the resilience in alum, while bright colors inspire a lively atmosphere, encouraging engagement and interaction. This intentional design creates a visually stimulating and uplifting environment, making it easy for alumni to connect, share, and support each other's growth and well-being in a familiar space.

Everyday Scripture / Brand Identity, Art Direction

Everyday Scripture is a platform dedicated to sharing daily reflections and insights on spiritual texts, designed to inspire and uplift readers in their daily lives. The branding reflects a serene and contemplative aesthetic, characterized by soft, calming colors such as pastel blues, gentle greens, and muted earth tones, with hints of bold colors to add vibrancy and depth. These color choices were carefully selected to create a peaceful and harmonious visual environment, inviting visitors to engage deeply with the spiritual content while evoking a sense of tranquility and connection.